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- «c1»By Punisher/Gods+Nah-Kolor«»
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- «as»«c7»During the years I have released many productions, and most people will
- judge them like «c6»crap. «c7»I do not care about this, as I had lot's of «c6»fun
- «c7»making them and loved the feeling of being a bit «c6»creative «c7»on my computer.
- I have learned many things during the last years, and I still do. Maybe
- not in such a huge scale as others, but I'm learning, and «c6»I'm enjoying
- myself being a scener. «c7»Now, this article is not about myself, my
- productions or my groups productions, it is about «c6»how I feel about current
- atmosphere of our community. «c7»It is in a way an egosentric article, but I
- believe that the main editors, will let me go through with this as we
- have freedom of speech on the scene. Thank you.«»
- «»
- There is one person, and I will not mention his name, that has «c6»criticised
- some groups in a hard way due to their productions. «c7»It seemed to me like
- he did not want these groups to exist, and that they should stop releasing
- demos and intros because the stuff was so crappy anyway. Well, I have one
- thing to say to that - stop looking down at other people having fun or who
- are «c6»just doing their best! «c7»Not everyone can run the 100 metres sprint as
- fast as Carl Lewis or Marlene Ottey, but some people may try it anyway, as
- they find it fun. The point should not always be «c6»about being the best, «c7»but
- to be a part of something and participate or simply to have «c6»fun with
- like-minded people. «c7»That is the idea I have of the scene, and that is how
- I want it to be in the future. I do not think it is correct and proper to
- ask someone, who is not as skilled as you, to stop his activities because
- you simply do not want to see his crap on your monitor. If this is how the
- scene is going to be in the future, then «c6»I do not want to be a part of it.«»
- «»
- «c7»All groups on the scene have had a starting point, and they have evolved,
- either slow or fast. One have to start somewhere and one must experience
- many difficulties before getting somewhere. Different people do also have
- different goals. Not everyone are into the scene because they want to be
- famous and become the best ever, some are «c6»just in it for the fun, «c7»the joy
- and to be creative in one way or another. If one constantly slagg of these
- people and their productions, like have been done by some people, they will
- eventually disappear and start looking at the scene like a place for
- boredom and seriousness. In my opinion, one can be serious at school, at
- work, in family matters, in short, in every aspect of real life. The scene
- is like football to hooligans, a way to get away from daily life, to let
- something from themselves out and to be a part of something (in this case a
- mob). Take away the fun, then what is left? It will be like a dreadful
- job.«»
- «»
- In a specific letter, «c6»Lahve/Reason «c7»wrote me something I found very
- interesting, and I will quote;«»
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- «c6»"I think, who has elitism behaviour today, he is just fucker for others,
- doesn't matter how good he is. Friendshipping is more important than
- anytime."«»
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- «c7»The thoughts crammed into these lines of bytes should be in everyones
- minds. They are very important, as they mean that «c6»friendship «c7»should be the
- ground fundament of the scene, and the banner that will unite us all. The
- elite thinking should be far away now, but still one can see signs of it
- here and there. Let us hope it is buried with the past.«»
- «»
- Anyway, imagine that you are going to a party to see the democometitions.
- Three entries are delivered and all of them are average ones containing the
- usual 3D scenes. "Only three?", you will say. "Isn't there any new people
- joining the scene?", you may think. This could be the situation if one
- does not take care of small and more friendship orientated groups. At this
- party, it could have been different. Maybe six demos was released? One
- very good, two average, and three either more funny or crappy. You would
- probably think something like, "Six demos. Not bad. That «c6»AHA-demo «c7»from
- Apathy was really funny! Hehe", and have a good laugh for yourself.
- Actually this "AHA" idea from Strife/Apathy have softened it all up a bit.
- His style is unbeliveably cool, and he has experienced success with it. I
- say, «c6»let everyone participate, «c7»give credits to groups that are very
- skilled, but also give nice words to those stribing to become better or to
- those that are releasing for fun.«»
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- Thank you for your time, and I hope that my thoughts gave you something.«»
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